Leonni & Matt's Wedding

My third wedding gig was a right treat and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
I will be honest in saying that the morning did not start out too great! For some reason it decided to snow in the middle of March. Driving out of Kenilworth I tried to make it down a steep hill which ended with my car going over a grass verge and straight into the middle of a main road, thankfully it was very early on a snowy Sunday morning, so nobody was around!!! 

When I arrived at the venue the car-park was not open and there didn't seem to be any staff at the venue, shortly after I got there the Groom and Best Man arrived so we sat in my warm car until someone let us in (haha one way to break to ice). Thankfully it went smoothly from then on! 

The ceremony was short and sweet and the happy couple both looked so happy. Leonni was glowing and looked so beautiful, I was excited to capture the rest of their day. I hadn't taken photos at a registry office before, but the way the room was decorated was lovely and there was a cute gazebo outside which came in handy with the snow! After "I do" and some group shots outside we all headed to the reception for food and fun. 

Everyone in the bridal party were so welcoming and I was put right at ease. I had a really great time sitting back and snapping away at candid moments, I used my 50mm prime lens for the majority of the afternoon, I feel like this was the first time I really got to grips with this newer lens of mine.
The main thing of the day which stood out for me was how smitten the Groom & Bride were with each other, I had only met them once before but I could see how in love they were. 

There was a photobooth and silly accessories on the afternoon and this made for some funny images, especially when I took some shots from between the curtain without people noticing. I thought this was a great way to bring people together and to capture some different and more relaxed photographs. I would certainly like to shoot another wedding with a photobooth, I found it quite fun and I even had a go myself :) 

I was certainly well fed and watered at this gorgeous wedding, I had a huge serving of vegan Caribbean food which was so tasty. (See the wonderful caterers here -Leave it to Esmie)
Plus there were some vegan cupcakes from the wedding cake display too, so I was more than happy and it served as yummy fuel to keep up with the busy afternoon. 

I was most pleased with my finished photos because I feel I captured a lot of smiles and some lovely natural moments too. I still know I have a huge way to go as a wedding photographer and much of that will come with time and experience in different situations. However, I am happy with the flow and story these wedding images convey.  

See below some more images from the day, hopefully these give a nice overview of the whole wedding :)


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