You may have guessed by my blog, Flickr or Facebook that I love animals! Furry, woolly, big, small, tails or no tails, feathers or no get the picture :)
Whenever I have my camera with me I try and keep an eye out for wildlife, dogs (or ferrets) on a walk, ducks chilling out or sheep roaming around a field.
I have a few ideas/plans lined up for more fun and interesting animal themed photos.
Abbey Fields near me is a favourite for dog walkers and I hope to get some photos of dogs and maybe their owners too (if they allow). I would love to make a little collection of Kenilworth doggies! It could also be a good opportunity for me to hand out business cards or flyers too, with an added personal touch.
I would also really love to get some great shots of cows, lambs, pigs etc... I am planning to visit a few animal sanctuaries this year to take some photos of their rescued animals. A lot of these places are not often open to the public, so I will probably have to contact them directly and ask, but hopefully if I tell them they can use the images for their Facebook/website they will be more than willing to let me tag along for a day.
So watch this space :)
(Also if anyone is interested in having some photos taken of their pet - dog, cat, rat, spider or WHATEVER! Please get in touch.)
See below a little collection of cute animal photos I have taken over the last couple of years...
Horse - Lake District |
Sheep - Lake District |
One of our first rats "Marky Mark" - Falmouth |
Cat - Greece |
Ducks - Scotland |
Duck - Scotland |
Jack the Greyhound - Kenilworth |
Roy the rat - Our house :) |
Ru the ferret - Leamington Spa |
Herbie the ferret - Leamington Spa |
Lola - My Mum's cat |
Hermione - Our first rat |
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