Lets start this Blog off with something a little interesting (well to me anyhow!).
I recently visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour down at the Warner Bro studios. I had such a fab day, even though i was excited and had heard good things about it from friends who had already been, i was shocked by how good it was and how much i enjoyed it.

There are a couple of surprises in store and there was so much more there than i thought there would be! We were looking around for hours, and when we came to the end i was pretty gutted!
Though i think we did spend another hour in the gift shop, expensive as i expected, but a good choice of goodies.
I am certainly booking this again for my Mum and Dad as they will love it, and i may possibly go again :)

You can see more photos on my Facebook however i have just added a few below, but i didn't want to add too many as it is best to go and not know what to expect!

I am now certainly in the mood for a Harry Potter movie marathon, i forgot just how Amazing it is...and how much of a little kid i am!


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