New Year...

So since my last post i have not taken any photos as intended...well not outside/landscape images like i wanted to do. The weather has been horrible, rainy and no frost like i hoped for! However that is no excuse. The only images i have really taken are some shots at my house just playing around with my Macro lens, see below the photo of one of my many owls that are scattered around my house! One of my many, many, many owls! I have been pretty busy with Xmas, visiting family and chilling out before i have to go back to work. Craig and I have been pretty geeky this Christmas break, mostly playing games, either Borderlands 2 on the Xbox, or our new LOTRs role playing card game which my brother bought us for Christmas! My Violin i had for Christmas! I have recently had to take one of my rats to the vets and i am keeping a close on eye on her, which is quite difficult with four rats whom are all crazy in their own little ways! The two older ones Hermion...