Vegan Valencia

If you know me well then you will know how much I enjoyed the city of Valencia last year. July 2017 I took my Husband to Valencia for his 30th Birthday, I wanted to choose somewhere sunny & hot, a country not too far away and also a place which had plenty to do and more importantly plenty of vegan food to eat! Pretty sea shells from the beach and lots of business cards from yummy restaurants :) We stayed there for 5 days and It was a beautifully vibrant place. Apart from Craig being pretty sick for the first couple of days we had a great trip! This did however give me a whole day on my own, so of course I wondered around taking photo after photo, quite possibly looking like a mad English tourist (we actually didn't spot many tourists, I think this made the city even more awesome and unique). I felt really awful for Craig, he really was not well! But hey, there is always some kind of silver lining? A day to myself in a fab place, being able to stop ...